Tuesday, March 27, 2018

April 30, 2015: Would you believe?

Would you believe?

I left Kurdistan early and came to Oman.

How can I say the exact reason why?  Well, I guess they can say, "The truth will set you free?"

Not because I am scared to tell the truth, just the Director blackmailed me. I was working really hard for the British International School of Zakho. I was a great worker, team player. My "Head of Early Years" position was quickly promoted to Assistant Director and then Acting Director until we were to hire and bring a new Director from the UK.

The company owner essentially promised that I would work under the Director as his Assistant Director to learn and become the Principal of the new school that they would build in Duhok, a city in northern Iraq.

Well, when they brought the British Director, he was a bit threatened by me and thought of a plan to wear me down so that either I would quit or resign. Before he arrived in January 2015, he told me through several emails that I would be his assistant, as I had earned that position under him. However, when he arrived, that quickly was changed.

First, the Technological manager, just a High School Graduate became the Director's "spy". To be honest, I do not even know why they brought him to Kurdistan. He was uneducated as never attended University and would be Head of Department? Is there anything fair about that? Oh, forgot to mention, he was British.

Then, the Director brought his best friend to take over as Principal, thus shoving me back to "Head of Early Years". Upset by this decision, I went to the owner and he said, "I'm sorry Marissa, but the "Director" told us that you cannot be Assistant Director because you are "American". I was shocked!  Everything I have done for them, and this was not an issue before. Taking me off the SLM Team was my silent breaking point. So, I started to look for a job outside of Kurdistan.

When I gave my resignation in February 2015, I thought about maybe staying there, as I wanted to be a part of the team, regardless, as I thought it would be wonderful experience still learning from the "Three Musketeers", so I asked to stay. The "Director" told me that "It is impossible. You have already been replaced!"  Me? Replaced?  Oh, I swear those are the worst words someone could ever hear after all the sacrifices that I had made that year.

Looking back..... I did have a contract in Abu Dhabi-because of the ISIS dilemma I was forced to stay as the flights had been grounded. Next, I chose to stay for less pay, even being offered a chance to go back to Abu Dhabi, but could not pass up the opportunity to stay and be a part of something wonderful. I worked long hours, as I do now. I worked sometimes from 7:00 am to 9:00 pm without a break. I went into work every Saturday off. We had only a small market across the street. The internet was okay, but there were constant interruptions. The electricity would cut for 4-6 hours in the day. I was far from home, no family, and the only American there until the Director came that January. 
Abu Barzan, the owner of the community was a kind and generous man. His sons were also great to me. They treated me like family, but blood is usually thicker, as it had always seemed to happen that way. 

Jumping back... How can I be replaceable???  These words caused me great grief. I asked Shivan if I could stay and he said, "The Director told me it is not possible." I felt betrayed. How could a "family" want to get rid of me so easily?  Was I really "replaceable?" gulp.

But I pushed harder. Then, after returning from Spring Break in Egypt, the Director told me that my "replacement" would take over my position in two days.
I said to him, "You never told me that." 
He replied, "Yes I did when I told you that I replaced you."
"Ah!" I replied. "Honestly, I did not hear you, as you said I was replaceable! You hit me hard with these words, that I did not get that you were replacing me after Spring Break!"
He said, "Well, we still need you in the school, so you will substitute for the Grade 1 Teacher who has to be called out on emergency." 
"Me? Substitute? Why do not you ask 'my replacement' to substitute and see if she is worthy to teach in our school."
He said, "This is not your choice, as you are no longer part of the managing team. You will substitute tomorrow at least for two days." So, as disheartening as I was being treated, I thought, I will show him. He cannot get rid of me that easily. 

The next day, I did substitute so well that all the parents said that their child has never been happier. They wished Ms. Marissa was their child's teacher from the start.  Again, he kept me in Grade 1. The teacher had no lesson plans, but I did my best without them.

The third day, conveniently, the 2nd Grade teacher was "sick". He told me, "Go and substitute in Grade 2. Let us see if you can do just as well in Grade 2."

You know he did tell me after I had been "replaced" that they wanted me to train the Grade 3 Teacher because he lacked Elementary Teaching Techniques. Since this was "right up my alley", I accepted.

So, you ask, why did they make me substitute? I knew it was to wear me down-to make me tired, so I would involuntarily make a mistake. I learned this after the whole issue was over-The real reason I left Kurdistan early.
Moving on; as soon as my "Substitute teaching" finished, I started training the teacher. "Conveniently", he was called to "translate" some documents for the school-29 pages to be exact. Now I had to teach Grade 3 alone. I put together assessment records, put order in the classroom, and became their teacher from the beginning of April to almost the end of April. For two weeks, the teacher was absent from the classroom. For two weeks I taught his class. What training was going on exactly?  They had thrown me into his class to wear me down. Was it fair? Absolutely not!

You know, for the entire year, I had used my own internet? I never once misused the school net for personal use. I never once used Facebook or wrote in my blog. I never once checked my "pet" status on Tagged. Yeah, I used Tagged but just to socialize and play the "pet" game. You know the closest town of civilized expats was like 3 hours away by car. I was starving for social interaction. Would you believe that is what kicked me out of Kurdistan?
They managed to wear me down, and I made a small mistake-it was not large, I did not break the law, or was not indiscreet. I just checked my "pet" status on my Tagged profile and forgot to "Log Off". 
Yeah, my kids were in computer class-which I was teaching, because the computer teacher was "conveniently" absent as well. I had taken pictures of the children for the website to show them working on "Paint" making pictures, using a mouse, etc. I had only 5 minutes left of class.  I set the timer on my phone and thought, "Oh I can sit and check my email and my "pet" status, as my students are independently working." My timer went off. I immediately got out of my chair and lined up the kids. I forgot to log out of Tagged.

I did not know that the Technology Manager was following me everywhere I went. Immediately, he spotted my "pet" status online and reported me to the Director and Principal stating that if a child got onto the teacher's computer, they could click to indecent pictures. It is true, but I did not do that. I am not that type of person. Yes, it was my error to use the computer for personal use during class, and I do take full responsibility for it, but is it enough to kick me out of my job, dismiss me? Fire me? Warn me, okay! I accept and committed to not utilize the school internet again. 
So, the principal made me rearrange the classroom the last day I was in the school, the day I made that small mistake to "log off". He then asked that I go to the office to speak about my "new" position that they would give me because my time in Grade 3 was now finished. I was to be" ESL Coordinator."

You know it is funny, I couldn't be Assistant Director for the school because I was "American," but I was Teacher Trainer, Aspiring Deputy Director, and ESL Coordinator, Substitute Teacher, and everything else, but I was not British. That was my fault I guess that the Eternal Being Above, made me American. 
I walk into the office and find the "Three Musketeers" sitting at the table with the laptop, which I forgot to log off of. They told me that I have broken three rules at once and that I am immediately dismissed from my involvement in the school.

"They said, if you tell Shivan or any of his family that you have been dismissed, I will personally write your school to whom you have a contract with and tell them that you are a nasty, disgusting, perverted person and that you have no morale and I will send him the disgusting pictures from Tagged which are linked to your account. I will tell Shivan and his father that they have someone who watches pornographic pictures working in their school and you will not be able to defend yourself because it is three Brits against the American. But if you are quiet, I will never ruin your reputation, because you are good and I know you will never say anything."
I sat in shock! How can a man be so vindictive and destroy someone's dreams in one instance?

A couple of days before I left, Shivan brought me my last pay check. For the first time, I cried in front of him. He knew something was amiss. He said, "Marissa you never cry. What happened?" I felt I could not trust anyone. I thought if I tell him, as now I feel ashamed, I will lose my opportunity in Oman.  He said, "Tell me, it cannot be that bad. Why do you want to leave? Sean said you want to leave? Did I do something to make you want to leave?
I said, "I don't want to leave, but I have to... I cannot talk about it.. cuz I am scared."
After I got to Oman and solidified my position at my new school, I did confide in Shivan and told him everything that had happened. He told me that I should have told him and he would say to Sean, "She is not leaving. I don't care what you say, and he would have been in trouble-not you. But you said nothing, so I had to let you go. My father cried, my sisters cried and my family were so sad that you were going. You did not have to leave."

You see what fear does? But, I cannot say now that I regret not staying. I love Oman. I have a great future here. I love being honest, even if it has consequences. But I would much rather be honest here on earth than to suffer an eternity of hell fire because of one lie, one deception or one mistake.

What would you have done? Would you have covered your tracks or stand ground?

Please comment below.

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